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Dusky Leaf Magic (DLM) is an independent magic production company of an Ohio-based move monkey that answers to the name Brady Oberley. As an infant, Brady was captured by a family of human beings. Over the years, he learned their language, their skills and their secrets and tried to improve on these.

With the power of the internet, Brady decided to share his independent sleight-of-hand and magic creations with the rest of the world, hoping members from his long-lost tribe would find him and could come to the rescue. He would love to introduce you to his family someday.

In the meantime, please donate by purchasing any of our products which would help a lot to get the word out. Thanks!

Fun fact: Dusky Leaf Magic can be abbreviated as DL Magic as well, which suits us perfectly given we sell downloadable magic products. At the same time, this abbreviation means something entirely different for magicians, but we cannot tell you what exactly without endangering all Dusky Leafs around the world. Human magicians are really heartless and cruel when it comes to protecting their secrets. Blah... so much for a fun fact...

All-Of-The-Below Bundle

All-Of-The-Below Bundle

Get the 'Ambush Control', 'Lunch', 'Practical Jokers', 'Style Is Terror' and 'TICS 2.0', with the original 'TICS' as a bonus. All at a discounted price!

Downloads | 1.91 GB | 1920x1080 | 85:18 minutes (+ bonus)

$21.50   $20.00   $15.00

Ambush Control

A refined table control that uses a very unconventional principle. Be in full control of a selection after putting it in the middle of the deck and control it to the top in an instant while squaring up the cards!

Download | 302 MB | 1920x1080 | 13:50 minutes



A clean sandwich routine that gets more and more visual along the way. Put a freely selected card into the middle of the deck and your pair of choice will find and catch it each and every time, with the pair visibly traveling through the deck!

Download | 468 MB | 1920x1080 | 21:08 minutes


Practical Jokers

Twisting the definition of "jokers are wild" to the extreme. In this practice routine the jokers are truly wild, with them appearing, turning over and back over, vanishing and reappearing!

Download | 499 MB | 1920x1080 | 16:34 minutes


Style Is Terror

A collection of sleight-heavy table routines. Learn the 'Mischief Transpo': a two-card transposition, '2 Mil': a sandwich routine with several transpositions, and 'College Route': a double color-changing soulmates routine. Plenty of variety!

Download | 413 MB | 1920x1080 | 21:29 minutes


TICS 2.0

Brady's first creation ever sold has been revamped! Lose a freely selected card in the deck in what seems to be the fairest way possible. Dribble the cards and snatch out the selection with 'The Incredible Card Snatch 2.0'. As a bonus, you will receive the original 'TICS' as well!

Download | 273 MB | 1920x1080 | 12:14 minutes (+ 45 MB bonus)


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Upon purchasing more than one of the same item or if you already happen to own an item based on the e-mail address used for the purchases, you will receive voucher codes for the additional quantity. A voucher code can be shared and exchanged for its associated product once. If you do not yet own your own copy of the product and would like to obtain voucher codes only, be sure to contact us before placing your order.

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Orders cannot be canceled, returned or refunded. This is because we sell secrets and downloadable or digital items.